Mapping Out the Future for US Biosimilars/Follow-on Biologics… How Low Can They Go?

Why all the fuss? The market for innovative biologics exceeded $43b in 2006 and is growing at ~12% annually. With costs for treatment exceeding $50,000/yr for cancer drugs like Erbitux or Avastin, and no clear path for generic alternatives, biologics have occupied a comfortable position in an industry facing mounting generic competition. However, the tide may be turning - Europe already has a biosimilar regulatory pathway in place and the US appears poised to follow. The cost of prescription drugs is…

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Presidential Election ’08 – Can Any Candidate Find a Cure for the Pharma Industry’s Woes?

the next President of the United States has the potential to reshape the landscape of health care in this country. Accordingly, the primary debates have featured discussions ranging from how to fix Medicare to whether to adopt “HillaryCare”, and almost everything in between. As the campaigns head into the potentially decisive March 4th Texas and Ohio primaries, we examine the leading candidates’ stances on issues of relevance to the pharma industry, and examine how these policies could impact Global Pharma,…

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Innovative Therapeutics: Past, Present and Future

The launch of our updated website provides a fitting occasion to assess the future of the sector that has been Mehta Partners' primary occupation for over 20 years. Perspectives is a new platform for our team members and other opinion leaders in our network to share their views on the important events of the day that will shape the future of the BioPharma industry worldwide. Through this column we hope to provide insight and context for those developments. We invite…

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